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Wild Fern Natural Health provides naturopathic primary care for the whole family. Our practice is dedicated to helping you achieve the freedom that comes with optimal health.
The Wild Fern Natural Health Apothecary offers the highest quality supplements available. We stock only the best products from trustworthy vendors with an excellent track record for consistency and disclosure of all allergens in all formulas.
Is it hard to do?
Chances are, you’ve landed here because you’re struggling with how to juggle life’s demands – the household, the kids, work, your partner – not to mention the dog and an attempt at a social life. There’s very little time for you or self-care. You’re exhausted managing the needs of so many.
But what about you?
Maybe you’re not getting much sleep and the stress of daily life leads to headaches or chronic pain. You might be carrying extra weight – frustrated by mood swings and hormonal shifts. It’s possible that you’re not even sure what’s wrong, you just know that you’d really like to get your energy back – focus on you for a change. It’s disappointing that your current health care is not getting the results you’d hoped. You’re ready for real transformation.
Where to begin?
That’s where we come in. Picture your physical and emotional health shifting from the back burner to center stage – TODAY! Imagine what would life look like if the aches and pains, the extra weight, the stress, and worry disappeared. What if overwhelm and exhaustion were replaced with confidence and freedom? Freedom in your body, mind, and soul.
It is possible. You deserve excellent health and we can help you achieve it. For real.
We are Ashland’s premier naturopathic clinic. We are what real health care should be. Our thorough, transformational process addresses your discomfort while we uncover the root cause of your dis-ease. It begins with deep listening and a comprehensive medical evaluation that helps paint your entire health picture. The result is a realistic and practical treatment plan customized for your specific needs. We’ll establishes a long-term partnership that allows you to experience wellness beyond your wildest dreams. You will be transformed, if you’re ready. This is Wild Fern Natural Health.
We understand how challenging it is to feel worn down, exhausted and defeated by poor health. We can relate to the hopelessness and fear that come with unanswered questions and the frustration of short term suppression of symptoms. We also know the freedom that is available when the root cause is uncovered and optimal health is achieved. As licensed Naturopathic Physicians, our preferred treatment modalities work in rhythm with nature and include sleep, routine, exercise, nutrition, botanicals, homeopathy and flower essences to alleviate symptoms and treat the underlying cause of dis-ease.
We’re here for you.
We will be your partners – helping you create the health you’ve always dreamed of. We’re ready. Are you?